Les deux révisions précédentes Révision précédente Prochaine révision | Révision précédente |
start [2020/02/17 15:35] – webersa | start [2023/04/20 12:04] (Version actuelle) – burgardc |
=====Welcome at IGE PhD!===== | |
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Here you may find some information relative to your daily life at IGE and other. | /* |
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| Interruption du service des wikis OSUG |
| * le mercredi 23 mars 2022 entre 14h00 et 15h30 |
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| N'utilisez pas vos wikis pendant la maintenance réalisée pendant ces créneaux ! |
| </note> |
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| ===== Welcome to the Wiki by and for IGE early career scientists! ===== |
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| Here you may find some information relative to early career life at IGE, academia in France, living in France, and other relevant topics! |
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==== Organisation ==== | ==== Organisation ==== |
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* **[[administrative|Administrative]]**: Everythings related to administrative stuff at IGE and university (mission order, internship, mail, etc.) | * **[[administrative|Administrative stuff at IGE]]**: Some advice related to administrative stuff at IGE and university (mission order, internship, mail, etc.). Do not hesitate to also check out the [[https://ige-intranet.osug.fr/spip.php?rubrique100|intranet]] on these matters (only in French). |
| * **[[science|Science stuff at IGE]]**: List of relevant seminars and other events |
| * **[[social|Social stuff at IGE]]**: List of relevant extra-work activities to socialise |
* **[[tools|Tools]]**: Description and how to access different tools (computing facilities, printers, libraries, etc) | * **[[tools|Tools]]**: Description and how to access different tools (computing facilities, printers, libraries, etc) |
* **[[daily_french|Setting up your life in France]]**: //sometime//, it is difficult to understand the French administration... Here you will find some tips&tricks. | * **[[daily_france|Setting up your life in France]]**: //sometime//, it is difficult to understand the French administration... Here you will find some tips&tricks. |
| * **[[academia_france|Academia in France]]**: Some information to (try to) understand the jungle of the French academic system |
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==== How to contribute? ===== | ==== How to contribute? ===== |
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This is a collaborative wiki, so please, don't hesitate to edit it! It follows the dokuwiki syntax((https://phd-wiki.osug.fr/doku.php?id=wiki:syntax)), but it's relatively easy to get. You can find a complete guide on the [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/manual|dokuwiki site]]. | This is a collaborative wiki, so please, don't hesitate to edit it! You just have to [[https://phd-wiki.osug.fr/doku.php/start?do=login|log in]] with your university account (Agalan). |
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| Once your logged in, you can edit a page by clicking the pencil on the right side. |
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Try to let it as simple as possible :) | Try to let it as simple as possible :) |
| Also try to use English when possible to make this useful for as many people as possible. |
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| You are a PhD student? |
| Other documents for PhD students are available here: [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jVkUHpWlejWUH3KgwNnk6WhTni5raP6P0onRARSCdNg/edit#|EN]] and [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R8exCo-C3HceE3mL1n6mkkH7sEes1HaxkHSCeS1v9Jk/edit#|FR]] |
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Other documents for Ph.D. students are available here: [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jVkUHpWlejWUH3KgwNnk6WhTni5raP6P0onRARSCdNg/edit#|EN]] and [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R8exCo-C3HceE3mL1n6mkkH7sEes1HaxkHSCeS1v9Jk/edit#|FR]] | |
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==== Science ==== | |
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* Seminars: | |
* The IGE seminars are listed in [[http://www.ige-grenoble.fr/seminaires/?lang=en|the IGE website]], and you can subscribe to the calendar: [[http://zimbra.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/home/fabien.gillet-chaulet@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/S%C3%A9minaires%20IGE|ICS]] | |
* GLACE seminar calendar: [[http://zimbra.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/home/olivier.gagliardini@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/GLACE|ICS]] and [[http://zimbra.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/home/olivier.gagliardini@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/GLACE.html|web page]] | |
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===== Miscellaneous information ===== | |
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* Where to print a poster: [[https://intranet.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/reprographie-prismaaccess/utiliser-le-centre-de-reprographie-18780.kjsp?RF=1473160422966&RH=1473160422966&ksession=9fa51618-106b-4057-89fa-0251693c26a2|UGA services]] or ask for a devis to COREP (Contact: grenoble@corep.fr, 2 Rue du Tour de l'Eau, 38400 Saint-Martin-d'Hères, providing the type of paper (MAT 180G, BRILLANT 200G, TISSU, BACHE). Also BURO+ (Av. Gabriel Péri) is the only place in Grenoble where to print a poster teh saturday. | |
* For maintenance request : [[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdfn-Q4efaeQqA0o-or3tpjo2d8YjUafenBC31a9idpEhXA2Q/viewform|Formulaire de demande de maintenance]] | |
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==== Social ==== | |
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* Friday beer: come and share a beer! Register to [[XXX@ige-grenoble.fr]] to have the info. | |