Table des matières

Ecosytem of PhD

Oral presentation given at the Journée des Thèse 2019 :


Because we are still student, we are registered at the university (UGA).

Univ' services

Registration fees

And as you are a student, we you have to pay inscription fees:

Since the academical year 2018, there is a new fee: the CVEC (90 €). If we sum up:

what how much
Inscription 346 €
Library 34 €
CVEC 90 €
Total 470 €

Doctoral school (TUE)

Contact person: Florence Thomas

PhD representative:

The doctoral school ( is in charge of the “student part” of our PhD, i.e. where you study. There are several lab' part of the TUE: IGE, ISTerre, IPAG, LEGI, Pacte, IRSTEA, GIPSA lab, …

Comité de suivi individuel (CSI)

Meeting with the referent of your CT, one of the lab director, one of the doctoral school director.

You don't have to have a formal meeting, but at least the signature of these 3 person before re-enrolment.

Comité de thèse

The formal definition of the Comité de Thèse (CT) is given by the doctoral school (see the reference pdf).

More information for the CT and CSI on the ED website : .


Contact person: It depends…

Who hire and pay you. May be one of the lab' tutelles (CNRS, UGA, G-INP or IRD) or other (CNES, CEA, Government, IRSTEA, CIFRE, etc.)


Where you work, the IGE.


PhD representative role: