
Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

Mail, list & Thunderbird

  • Registering to an existing IGE mailing list or asking for a new mailing list on Intragere
  • Creating your own mailing list using the CNRS services (Inscription/désinscription par envoi de mail avec objet “subscribe nom_de_la_liste” et “unsubscribe nom_de_la_liste”)

Configure Thunderbird with your email ⚡🦆

In Thunderbird, go to File > New > Existing mail account

Enter your e-mail address and corresponding password. Then, it should auto-detect the configuration. If not, enter the following:

  • Incomming:, SSL/TLS, Normal password
  • Outgoing:, SSL/TLS, Normal password
  • username: AGALAN username

Finally, click Done.

It may prompt a warning for the Certificat, which is only valid for It's a bad practice but until this problem is solved, but click I confirm and accept the risk.

  • administrative/mail.1604566188.txt.gz
  • Dernière modification : 2020/11/05 09:49
  • de webersa