Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !
Welcome to the Wiki by and for IGE early career scientists!
Here you may find some information relative to early career life at IGE, academia in France, living in France, and other relevant topics!
- Administrative: Everythings related to administrative stuff at IGE and university (mission order, internship, mail, etc.)
- Tools: Description and how to access different tools (computing facilities, printers, libraries, etc)
- Setting up your life in France: sometime, it is difficult to understand the French administration… Here you will find some tips&tricks.
How to contribute?
This is a collaborative wiki, so please, don't hesitate to edit it! You just have to log in with your university account (Agalan).
Once your logged in, you can edit a page by clicking the pencil on the right side.
Try to let it as simple as possible :) Also try to use English when possible to make this useful for as many people as possible.
You are a PhD? Other documents for Ph.D. students are available here: EN and FR
- Seminars:
- The IGE seminars are listed in the IGE website, and you can subscribe to the calendar: ICS
- Paper discussion: every Wednesday at 14:30 (room to be determined)
Miscellaneous information
- Where to print a poster: UGA services or ask for a devis to COREP (Contact: grenoble@corep.fr, 2 Rue du Tour de l'Eau, 38400 Saint-Martin-d'Hères, providing the type of paper (MAT 180G, BRILLANT 200G, TISSU, BACHE). Also BURO+ (Av. Gabriel Péri) is the only place in Grenoble where to print a poster teh saturday.
- For maintenance request : Formulaire de demande de maintenance
- Friday beer: come and share a beer! Register to XXX@ige-grenoble.fr to have the info.
- PhD lunch: usually on friday