
Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

Remote desktop access

The protocole used is RDP (Remote Desktop Protocole). It has to be enabled first on the remote machine.

We use the build in windows application “Remote desktop” to connect to the remote machine. If you are connected through the IGE network, it easy: just but the correct credential.

If you are outside the IGE, it's a bit more tricky because you need first to setup a SSH tunnel and use it.

Setting up the SSH tunnel

Open Putty, then configure it as follows:

  • Session:
    • Hostname:
    • Port: 22
    • Connexion type: ssh
    • Give it a name and save it, for instance ssh_tunnel
  • Connexion > SSH > Tunnel:
    • Source port: 12345 (can be almost everything, but remember it)
    • Destination: <ip of the machine>:3389 The port 3389 is the default one use by RDP
    • Click Add
  • Session:
    • Resave it :)
    • Click Open

It then ask for your credential to connect to the passerelle. It's your IntraGere login/password.

Once logged in, your SSH tunnel is up ! Do not closed the windows !

Setting up the remote access

  • Launch the Desktop remote access application.
  • Fill the computer to (i.e. localhost and whatever was your port in the previous part)
  • Click Connexion


  • tools/remote-desktop.1584107734.txt.gz
  • Dernière modification : 2020/03/13 14:55
  • de webersa