Administrative services (SA)
Most of the information can be found in the IGE intranet.
Travelling for work
All information is found (in French) here. Basically, you have to declare when you leave, when you come back, where you are going, and with which transport way. To book the travel and hotel, you need to go through the platform linked here.
For international trips and hotel bookings, double check the prices of this offer compared to the original plane/train/hotel website. If the price is more expensive through the FCM Travel platform, double-check with the administration if you can ignore the FCM travel platform.
- CNRS/UGA employee: declare your holidays in Agate :
- IRD employee: use the IRD portal for missions and holidays
Who should I contact for what?
- Human ressources (Training periods, CDD, etc.) :
- Mission order, expense, order :
- Formation :