Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

Here you may find some information relative to your daily life at IGE and other.

  • Administrative: Everythings related to administrative stuff at IGE and university (mission order, internship, mail, etc.)
  • Tools: Description and how to access different tools (computing facilities, printers, libraries, etc)
  • Setting up your life in France: sometime, it is difficult to understand the French administration… Here you will find some tips&tricks.

This is a collaborative wiki, so please, don't hesitate to edit it! It follows the dokuwiki syntax1), but it's relatively easy to get. You can find a complete guide on the dokuwiki site.

Try to let it as simple as possible :)

Other documents for Ph.D. students are available here: EN and FR

  • Where to print a poster: UGA services or ask for a devis to COREP (Contact: grenoble@corep.fr, 2 Rue du Tour de l'Eau, 38400 Saint-Martin-d'Hères, providing the type of paper (MAT 180G, BRILLANT 200G, TISSU, BACHE). Also BURO+ (Av. Gabriel Péri) is the only place in Grenoble where to print a poster teh saturday.
  • For maintenance request : Formulaire de demande de maintenance

  • start.1581950132.txt.gz
  • Dernière modification : 2020/02/17 15:35
  • de webersa