
Ecosytem of PhD

Oral presentation given at the Journée des Thèse 2019 :

Because we are still student, we are registered at the university (UGA).

And as you are a student, we you have to pay inscription fees:

  • normal: 380 € = 345 € (inscription) + 34 € (library) (may change from year to year)
  • If you are registered in another university of grenoble, contact your university.

Since the academical year 2018, there is a new fee: the CVEC (90 €). If we sum up:

what how much
Inscription 346 €
Library 34 €
CVEC 90 €
Total 470 €

Contact person: Florence Thomas

PhD representative:

The doctoral school ( is in charge of the “student part” of our PhD, i.e. where you study. There are several lab' part of the TUE: IGE, ISTerre, IPAG, LEGI, Pacte, IRSTEA, GIPSA lab, …

  • Part of the univ' (one of the 13 doctoral schools, gathered in the CED)
  • Has some funding for PhD (conference or formation)
  • Re-enrolment (2nd, 3rd (4th?) years)
  • Ask for the thesis comitee (CT) once a year (at least)
  • Formation (minimum 120h), breaks into 3 thirds:
    • Professional
    • Transdisciplinary
    • Disciplinary

Meeting with the referent of your CT, one of the lab director, one of the doctoral school director.

You don't have to have a formal meeting, but at least the signature of these 3 person before re-enrolment.

The formal definition of the Comité de Thèse (CT) is given by the doctoral school (see the reference pdf).

  • Has to happen a least once a year, before mid-septembre (for re-enrolment).
  • Discussion about your science
  • May raise some issue (scientific, relationship, etc.)
  • There is to be a discussion without your supervisor(s)!
  • At least 3 members:
    • thesis supervisor(s) + 2 others (1 HDR and 2 outside the team),
    • one of them will be the CT referent.

More information for the CT and CSI on the ED website : .

Contact person: It depends…

Who hire and pay you. May be one of the lab' tutelles (CNRS, UGA, G-INP or IRD) or other (CNES, CEA, Government, IRSTEA, CIFRE, etc.)

  • provide you your Doctoral contact, which is your work contract!
  • the lab' is a the link between your employer and you

Where you work, the IGE.

PhD representative role:


  • administrative/phd_ecosystem.txt
  • Dernière modification : 2020/11/05 10:00
  • de webersa